Kel-Tec P50 Problems And Their Solutions

Kel-Tec P50 is a semi-automatic pistol that was recently released in 2021. It has gained popularity for its unique design and features, such as the 50-round capacity magazine and top-mounted Picatinny rail.

People are using these type of guns for home defence or even for training using 12 gauge bullpup.

However, like any other firearm, it may encounter some problems during use.

In this guide, we will discuss the common Kel-Tec P50 problems and their practical solutions to help you understand your firearm better and troubleshoot any issues that may arise.

Some of the most common problems with Kel-tec P50 pistols are Failure to Fire, Failure To Eject, Magazine Problem, Trigger Stuck, Jamming Issue, Cycling Issue and Recoil Spring Issue. 

Kel Tec P50 Problems

Kel-Tec P50 Problems And Their Solutions

1. Failure to Fire

If you’re having an issue with your gun not firing, don’t stress. It happens, but we can fix it. The first thing you want to do is give your firearm a good clean.

Grab some cleaning supplies and focus on the barrel, chamber, and firing pin. These areas are crucial for a smooth firing process. Sometimes, dirt or residue can build up and mess with the gun’s performance. So, roll up your sleeves and get into the nitty-gritty.

Start by making sure the barrel is free from any gunk. Use a cleaning rod and patches to swipe through it a few times.

Next up, check the chamber. This is where the magic happens, so you want it squeaky clean. A chamber brush can really come in handy here.

Now, let’s talk about the firing pin. This little part is essential for the gun to do its job. Check it for any build-up or debris. A simple wipe down with a cleaning cloth should do the trick. Be thorough, and don’t be shy about it.

2. Failure To Eject

If you experience this issue, the first thing you should do is check your grip on the gun. Make sure you are holding it firmly and with proper technique. A loose grip can cause the gun to malfunction.

If your grip seems fine, the next step is to inspect the extractor and extractor spring. These parts are responsible for pulling the spent casing out of the chamber and ejecting it from the gun. If either of these parts is damaged or worn, it can cause a failure to eject. In this case, you may need to replace the parts.

Another potential cause of failure to eject is dirty or worn magazines. If your magazines are not clean and properly maintained, they can cause feeding issues which may lead to a failure to eject. Make sure to regularly clean and inspect your magazines for any signs of wear or debris.

If none of these solutions seem to fix the problem, it may be an issue with the ammunition you are using. Low-quality or improperly sized ammo can cause malfunctions in your Kel-Tec P50. Make sure to only use high-quality, factory-made ammunition that is the appropriate size for your gun.

3. Magazine Problem

If you start having magazine issues, one solution is to thoroughly clean the magazine and spring. Use a degreaser to remove any built-up grime or residue. You can also try replacing the stock magazine spring with an aftermarket high-quality spring. Upgrading to a stronger spring can help provide more consistent upward pressure to feed each round properly.

I took apart my magazine, cleaned all the components, and installed a premium magazine spring I ordered online. After reassembling the mag, the feeding issues were fixed. The new spring feeds each round effortlessly into the chamber now. With some basic cleaning and affordable upgraded parts, you can often resolve magazine feeding problems yourself.

4. Trigger Stuck

if you’re dealing with a magazine problem, here’s what I did to sort it out. I focused on the trigger assembly, and it’s easier than you might think.

First off, I took the trigger assembly apart – no rocket science there. Once it’s open, check out the trigger spring and disconnector. Those are the troublemakers in this case.

Now, get a cleaning brush and some solvent. Give those parts a good scrub. Sometimes, gunk builds up, and that messes with the magazine. Cleaning them up might just do the trick.

But, if the trigger spring and disconnector still seem off after cleaning, don’t sweat it. You might need to replace them. Don’t panic; it’s not as complicated as it sounds.

You can find replacement parts at a local gun store or online. Just make sure you follow any instructions that come with the new parts. Trust me, it’s a bit like putting together a puzzle – straightforward.

5. Jamming Issue

If you’re dealing with a jamming issue, here’s what you can consider doing to get things back on track.

First off, take a look at the type of ammo you’re using. Sometimes, certain ammo just wouldn’t work well with your firearm. Try using a different brand or type, and see if that clears up the problem.

Next, inspect your magazines. A worn-out or damaged magazine could be causing the jams. If you’ve been using the same magazines for ages, it might be time to consider getting some new ones.

Now, let’s talk about the gun itself. Check for any visible signs of wear and tear, especially around the chamber and the feed ramp. If you notice any issues, a bit of careful cleaning and inspection could do wonders.

Another thing to consider is the way you’re holding the gun. Believe it or not, your grip can impact the gun’s performance. Make sure you’re holding it firmly and allowing it to cycle properly.

6. Cycling Issue

Another most common issue i encounter with this gun is the gun not cycling properly.

To fix the cycling issue I was having, I inspected the bolt rods and found two had unscrewed slightly. After putting a lot of rounds through the pistol, the firing forces had gradually loosened the rods.

This minor loosening allowed too much play for the action to cycle properly. It would fail to chamber the next cartridge every single shot. To resolve it, I carefully tightened each bolt rod back down using an Allen wrench.

With the two rods properly secured again, I tested the cycling extensively. The issue was fixed, with the bolt now smoothly chambering the next round after every last shot. Just that minor rod adjustment had the pistol functioning perfectly again.

7. Recoil Spring Issue

After putting my pistol through some hard use, I noticed the recoil spring was starting to weaken. The slide wasn’t cycling all the way back after firing. I decided to have the recoil spring changed out by a professional gunsmith rather than try it myself.

They have the expertise to properly disassemble the slide assembly and install a new high-quality spring. This ensured the repair was done right.

With the new spring put in by the gunsmith, the slide now cycles back forcefully after every shot. Having that proper spring tension makes all the difference for reliable functioning.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Keltec P50 reliable?

Yes, the gun is popular for it’s accuracy and reliabiliy

What ammo does the Kel-Tec P50 use?


Can you put a stock on a Kel-Tec P50?


How much does a Keltec P 50 cost?




The Kel-Tec P50 has proven to be a reliable and high-performing firearm. However, like any other piece of equipment, it may encounter some problems during use.

Through proper maintenance and care, many of these problems can be easily avoided. In cases where issues do arise, there are simple solutions that can be implemented to resolve them.

With its innovative design and powerful performance, the Kel-Tec P50 is certainly a standout firearm in the market. So, it’s worth investing in this gun to experience its unique features and capabilities.

Just remember to follow proper maintenance procedures and troubleshoot any issues that may arise for a seamless shooting experience with your Kel-Tec P50.

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