Taurus 44 Magnum Problems and Their Solutions

If you’re a fan of double-action revolvers, you’ve heard of Taurus. Known for producing high-quality firearms, Taurus has long been a favorite among gun enthusiasts.

However, even the best manufacturers can sometimes produce firearms that have issues.

Taurus 44 Magnum problems

In the case of the Taurus Tracker 44 Magnum, there are a few common problems that some gun owners have reported.

Fortunately, there are also solutions to these issues.

Some of the most common issues with Taurus 44 mag are Failure To Eject, Failure To Fire, Trigger Problems, Cylinder Problems, Hammer Problems and Poor Accuracy.

Common Taurus 44 Magnum Problems and Their Solutions

1. Failure To Eject

This issue often causes frustration and can be tricky to diagnose and fix.

To successfully identify the underlying cause of Failure To Eject, it is important to understand what causes this issue and how to rectify it.

Failure To Eject is a common problem when a round fails to eject from the cylinder after being fired. This happens when the firearm does not have enough force or power to push the spent cartridge out of the chamber.

The most common cause for this is an accumulation of gunpowder, dirt, grime, or other debris that gets lodged into the mechanism responsible for ejecting spent cartridges from the gun.

To fix this issue, you must start by properly cleaning your firearm of all external dirt, dust, and grime. Doing so will help ensure that no foreign objects are causing any blockages within the firing mechanisms.

After completing this step, you should inspect all parts of the revolver cylinder assembly for any signs of wear or broken parts.

If any defective components are found, they should be replaced before proceeding with further troubleshooting steps.

Next, check if sufficient pressure is being applied on the round through proper spring tension to create enough gas pressure allowing for adequate extraction of rounds from their casings.

If necessary, adjusting your spring tension may improve rounds’ performance by being ejected properly.

Finally, you need to ensure that your ammunition is seated correctly within their cases before firing, as improper seating might also result in Failure To Eject issues due to lack of gas pressure generated during the firing process.

2. Failure To Fire

This issue can be caused by several factors, including problems with the firing pin, dirt or debris in the chamber, improper ammo selection, and more.

Fortunately, you can take specific steps to troubleshoot this issue and get your Taurus firing correctly again.

First, start by checking the cylinder gap on the revolver to ensure it is between 0.006″ and 0.008″, as per the manufacturer’s instructions.

If the gap is too wide or narrow, it could lead to poor powder combustion when the hammer strikes the firing pin. The cylinder should also turn freely and sit firmly when locked into position.

Next, inspect for any obstructions in the chamber that could prevent the successful ignition of spent rounds or loading of new ammunition.

Use a cleaning rod with a patch and solvent to wipe clean any dirt or residue that may have built up over time which could prevent successful firings.

Inspect rounds for any signs of damage, such as dents or dings, that could prevent successful ignition from occurring.

Finally, ensure you are using ammo compatible with your firearm.

Not all calibers are designed to work with every gun model, so consult your manufacturer’s manual for recommended cartridge types and sizes for loading into your Taurus 44 Magnum revolver for the best results and reliable performance over time.

3. Trigger Problems

This could be due to a number of possible causes, including worn or damaged parts, improper lubrication, or even a badly adjusted trigger.

To help you troubleshoot and potentially fix any issues with the trigger, we’ll go through some steps and examine various components that may need attention.

First, check for any wear on the components. Look specifically at the trigger itself and the sear and hammer pin.

If these are worn out, they must be replaced before continuing.

Additionally, it is essential to ensure all of the components are properly lubricated before use to ensure smooth operation of the gun and prevent unnecessary wear on the parts.

Next, inspect the trigger’s adjustment screws to make sure they are not too tight or loose.

The screws can be accessed by removing the backplate of the gun and should be adjusted so they are snug but still allow for some movement when pulling the trigger.

If they are too tight, this can cause light primer strikes which can result in misfires or failure to fire at all.

Finally, take a look at the barrel and cylinder gap of your Taurus 44 Magnum.

This gap should measure between 0.008” and 0.012” for optimal performance; if it is outside this range, it can affect the accuracy and increase felt recoil when shooting.

Once everything is checked and adjusted accordingly, it’s time for a test fire – load up your rounds, aim carefully, and enjoy!

4. Cylinder Problems

The most frequent issues include a stuck cylinder, a binding cylinder, and an excessive cylinder end shake.

Understanding what can cause these problems and how to remedy them is key to preserving the reliability of your firearm.

Here are some steps you can take to diagnose and fix each issue.

Stuck Cylinder

A stuck cylinder is one in which the latch no longer works properly, making it difficult or impossible to rotate the cylinder.

This may be caused by debris inside the frame interfering with its movement or due to worn components.

To resolve this issue, start by ensuring all internal parts are clean and debris-free. Next, inspect any springs that may have weakened over time and replace them if necessary.

The frame has become slightly bent over time which needs to be corrected by a qualified gunsmith before proceeding further.

Binding Cylinder

A binding cylinder is one in which there is too much resistance when trying to rotate it manually or using the trigger mechanism.

This could be caused by worn or damaged internal parts such as pins, bushings, springs, or return plates being out of alignment, inhibiting movement.

Start by disassembling all moving parts within the action and inspecting for wear or damage before attempting any repairs.

If parts require replacement, ensure they fit correctly before reassembling them for optimal performance.

Excessive Cylinder Endshake

A cylinder end shake occurs when there is too much play between chambers when rotated around its axis during firing cycles, leading to poor accuracy and reliability and potential damage from excess pressure caused by misfires due to gaps between chambers not sealed correctly during firing cycles​​​.

This issue is usually caused by either worn internal components such as pins and bushings, which require replacement, or an improper fit between the forcing cone/barrel face and backplate, causing excessive play between chambers when rotated around its axis during firing cycles.

A qualified gunsmith should be consulted when addressing this issue since correct fitting techniques must be followed for proper function and accuracy of your firearm

5. Hammer Problems

Hammer problems can be caused by various factors, including worn or broken components, poor lubrication, improper installation of parts, or general wear and tear.

To fix these issues, inspecting the gun’s internal components for any signs of wear or damage is essential.

If necessary, parts may need to be replaced either by an experienced gunsmith or with new factory parts.

Also, proper lubrication should be applied to all movable parts to reduce friction and improve performance.

Once all components have been inspected and appropriately lubricated, the firearm should be test fired in a safe environment before carrying it.

6. Poor Accuracy

Poor accuracy in this firearm has been reported to be caused by many factors, including improper cleaning and lubrication, an old or worn barrel, incorrect ammunition selection, and shooting technique.

Improper cleaning and lubrication can prevent the barrel from fouling with carbon build-up, leading to inaccuracy.

Old or worn barrels will also compromise accuracy due to irregularities in the rifling of the barrel that causes bullets to spin unevenly.

Ammunition selection is also critical; using incorrect loads can result in a significant loss of accuracy.

Lastly, shooting technique has been said to be a major contributor to inaccuracy with this model revolver; maintaining proper sight alignment and trigger control are paramount for consistent accuracy.

To remedy poor accuracy with the Taurus 44 Magnum, it is important first to ensure that the firearm is cleaned correctly and lubricated according to the manufacturer’s specifications.

Using a copper brush on all barrel surfaces will help remove any carbon build-up that may be causing inaccuracy issues.

Additionally, ensuring that only quality factory ammunition is used will help ensure consistency in bullet velocity and performance which is necessary for good accuracy.

Lastly, shooters must employ proper shooting techniques such as an appropriate grip and sight alignment and consistent trigger control when firing rounds from this type of handgun if they expect accurate results.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Taurus 44 Magnum any good?

Yes, the Taurus 44 Magnum is generally considered to be a good firearm. While some gun owners have reported issues with the Taurus Tracker 44 Magnum specifically, overall Taurus is a reputable manufacturer with a history of producing quality firearms.

What are the reviews on the Taurus Tracker 44 mag?

The reviews on the Taurus Tracker 44 Magnum are generally positive, but there are some mixed opinions as well.

Many gun owners appreciate the Tracker 44’s combination of power and portability, as well as its relatively affordable price point.

However, some have reported issues with the gun’s accuracy, as well as problems with the cylinder locking up or not rotating properly.

Despite these reported issues, many gun enthusiasts still consider the Tracker 44 Magnum to be a solid choice for a budget-friendly, powerful revolver.

Will a 44 Magnum stop a grizzly bear?

While a 44 Magnum can certainly pack a punch, it may not be the ideal choice for stopping a grizzly bear.

How far can a 44 Magnum pistol shoot accurately?

Generally speaking, most experienced shooters can accurately hit targets with a 44 Magnum pistol at distances of up to 75 yards, although some may be able to shoot accurately at longer ranges.


the Taurus 44 Magnum is a powerful revolver that has gained popularity among gun enthusiasts. However, like any firearm, it has its fair share of problems.

From misfires to cylinder binding, these issues can be frustrating and potentially dangerous if not addressed. Luckily, many of these problems can be solved with proper maintenance and handling techniques.

But beyond the technical aspects of gun ownership, it’s important to consider the ethical implications of owning a firearm. While responsible gun ownership can provide a sense of security, it’s also important to acknowledge the role guns play in our society and the potential harm they can cause.

Ultimately, whether or not to own a firearm is a personal choice that requires careful consideration of both the practical and ethical implications.

As gun owners and enthusiasts, it’s our responsibility to approach this decision with thoughtfulness and respect for the power and responsibility that comes with owning a firearm.

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