Taurus 856 Problems And Their Solutions

The Taurus 856 revolver is a popular choice among firearm enthusiasts. It’s compact size and reliable performance make it a suitable option for concealed carry and personal defense.

However, like any firearm, it is not immune to issues that may arise.

In this article, we aim to address some of the common problems that users may encounter while using the Taurus 856 revolver Cylinder Stop Binding Issue, Cylinder Locking Up, Cocked Front Sight, Light Primer Strikes, Cylinder Ceasing, Jamming Problem, the barrel doesn’t reach the magazine well and The trigger is hard to control. And provide possible solutions that can help mitigate these problems.

Taurus 856 problems

Follow the instructions below to fix the issues yourself.

Common Taurus 856 Problems And Their Solutions

1. Cylinder Stop Binding Issue

Have you ever faced cylinder stop binding issues with your revolver, leading to a frustrating shooting experience? If yes, then you must be aware of why this problem can arise.

Some of the primary causes include single-action mode, dirt and debris, internal spring malfunction, cylinder alignment, and improper lubrication.

The cylinder stop binding issue can result in the cylinder getting stuck, making it challenging to eject the spent casings and reload the gun.

It can also lead to misfires and a decrease in the firing accuracy, which can be dangerous in critical situations.

Fortunately, there are several ways to fix this issue step-by-step. Firstly, you can disassemble your revolver and thoroughly clean it, paying extra attention to the cylinder and associated parts.

Next, ensure the internal spring is not damaged or worn out and replace it if necessary. Additionally, check for proper cylinder alignment, which may require a gunsmith’s expertise.

Proper lubrication is also essential to prevent cylinder stop-binding issues, so ensure you use the right cleaning oils and lubricants.

If your revolver is stuck, gently tap the cylinder with a rubber mallet to loosen it and avoid using excessive force.

2. Cylinder Locking Up

A common issue can occur with any revolver, and a few factors can cause it.

One possible cause for the cylinder locking up is debris or dirt build-up. The cylinder needs to rotate smoothly in order for the weapon to function correctly. Debris can get lodged between the cylinder and frame, causing it to lock up.

Another possible cause could be a worn or broken cylinder latch or hand, resulting from extensive use or wear and tear.

Fortunately, there are some steps you can take to fix these issues. First, before disassembling your firearm, ensure that it is unloaded and safe.

Once you have done this, remove the cylinder from the frame and inspect it for any debris or dirt. If you find any, use a soft-bristled brush and gun cleaning solvent to remove it.

Make sure to dry the cylinder and frame thoroughly before reassembling.

If the issue persists, you may need to replace the cylinder latch or hand. This is a more complex process and may require the assistance of a gunsmith.

However, if you have experience with firearms and are confident in your abilities, you can attempt to replace the parts with a repair manual.

3. Cocked front sight

Another common issue reported from Taurus is 856 users.

A cocked front sight occurs when the front sight is not aligned with the barrel, creating an angle that can affect accuracy and precision.

This misalignment can result from several causes, such as improperly sight installation, the revolver being dropped or mishandled, or wear and tear.

When faced with a cocked front sight, it is crucial to address the issue promptly to avoid further damage and ensure accurate shooting.

While some gun owners may try to fix the problem themselves, we highly recommend seeking professional help or sending the revolver to the manufacturer.

A gunsmith can diagnose the source of the problem and make the necessary adjustments or replacement parts, ensuring that your revolver is back to top performance.

4. Light Primer Strikes

A few factors, such as a faulty hammer spring, hammer strut, or hammer spring plate can cause this common problem.

Ammunition issues, hammer blocks, or transfer bar malfunction can also cause it.

But don’t worry, there’s a solution to this problem. You can either seek help from a professional or send the gun to the company for repairs. If you’re looking to fix the issue on your own, follow these step-by-step instructions:

1. Disassemble the revolver and inspect the hammer spring, hammer strut, and hammer spring plate for any signs of damage or wear. Replace any parts that appear to be damaged or worn out.

2. Check the ammunition you’re using. Make sure it’s the correct caliber for your revolver and that it’s in good condition.

3. Inspect the hammer block or transfer bar for any signs of malfunction. Replace any parts that appear to be damaged or worn out.

4. Reassemble the revolver and test fire it to resolve the issue of the light primer strikes.

Remember, if you’re uncomfortable fixing this issue alone, it’s always best to seek help from a professional or send the gun to the company for repairs.

5. Cylinder Ceasing

This can be a frustrating issue that affects the functionality of your firearm.

However, the good news is that there are several common causes of cylinder ceasing, and most of them can be easily fixed step-by-step.

One of the main causes of cylinder ceasing is a faulty lock spring. If your lock spring is worn down or broken, it can prevent the cylinder from turning properly.

To fix this issue, you must disassemble your revolver and replace the lock spring with a new one.

Another cause of cylinder ceasing is dirty or damaged ammunition. If there is debris or damage on the rim of your cartridges, it can cause the cylinder to stick.

To fix this, you will need to thoroughly clean your ammunition and inspect them for any visible damage before loading them back into your revolver.

Finally, a faulty extractor or ejector can also cause cylinder ceasing. These components are responsible for properly ejecting spent casings and extracting new ones. You may need to replace the extractor or ejector with a new part to fix this issue.

Overall, cylinder ceasing can be frustrating, but it can be easily resolved with the proper knowledge and steps.

6. Jamming Problem

The jamming problem is a common issue faced by many revolver owners, and it can be frustrating during shooting sessions or even more dangerous in self-defense situations.

Poor ammunition quality is one of the primary causes of a jamming problem. Revolvers are designed to operate with specific types of ammunition, and using low-quality or mismatched ammunition can cause feeding and ejection issues.

Additionally, using corroded or damaged rounds can also lead to jamming problems.

Another cause of the jamming problem is improper cleaning and maintenance.

Revolvers require periodic cleaning and lubrication to ensure their proper operation, and neglecting this can lead to the accumulation of dirt, debris, and powder residue, which can affect the revolver’s ability to function correctly.

Magazine issues can also result in jamming problems. The magazine should be inspected for damage or deformation and seated firmly in the revolver.

A damaged or poorly fitting magazine can cause feeding problems and jamming.

Lastly, a faulty recoil spring can also cause jamming problem. The recoil spring is responsible for absorbing the energy of the fired round and returning the cylinder to its firing position.

If the spring is worn out or damaged, the cylinder might not rotate smoothly, causing a jamming problem.

To fix a jamming problem, unload the revolver and verify all ammunition. Confirm that you are using the correct type of ammunition.

Next, inspect the revolver’s cylinder and chamber for dirt buildup and residue, and ensure that the magazine is properly fitted.

If the issue persists, replace the recoil spring and thoroughly clean and lubricate the revolver.

7. The Barrel Doesn’t Reach The Magazine Well

Barrel Doesn’t Reach The Magazine issues are the most common amongst Taurus’s 856 users.

Some shooters have faced situations where the barrel of their gun does not reach the magazine well.

The main causes of this issue can stem from the barrel or receiver damage, barrel misalignment, or magazine release issues.

If the barrel or receiver has experienced damage, it may cause the barrel to sit too high or too low, failing the barrel and magazine well to align properly.

Barrel misalignment can also occur from improper installation or wear and tear, causing the same issue.

Alternatively, magazine release issues can cause the magazine to not properly sit into the well, resulting in the barrel not reaching the magazine well.

To fix this issue, the first step is to visually inspect the barrel and receiver for any damage or wear and tear. If there is damage, it may require the replacement of parts or a professional repair.

Adjustments or proper installation may be necessary if the issue is with barrel misalignment. It is important to consult the manufacturer’s manual or seek professional assistance to ensure proper installation.

Additionally, if magazine release issues are the cause, adjusting or replacing the magazine release may be necessary.

8. The Trigger is Hard To Control

This can be a frustrating and potentially dangerous issue, but fortunately, several possible causes and solutions exist.

One possible cause for a hard-to-control trigger is the trigger spring tension. Over time, the spring may become too tight, making it difficult to pull the trigger smoothly.

To address this, you can try replacing the spring with a lighter one or adjusting the tension.

Another factor that can affect trigger control is lubrication and maintenance.

If the trigger mechanism is not properly lubricated, it may become stiff or gritty, making it harder to manipulate. Regular cleaning and lubrication can help prevent this issue.

Damage or wear to the trigger components can also cause problems with trigger control. If the trigger or other parts are bent or damaged, they may need to be replaced to restore proper function.

To fix this issue, thoroughly clean and inspect the trigger mechanism. Check the trigger spring tension and consider replacing or adjusting it if necessary.

If visible damage or wear is visible, take the firearm to a qualified gunsmith for repairs. Finally, make sure to regularly lubricate and maintain your firearm to prevent future issues with trigger control.

3 Best Alternatives To Taurus 856

1. Smith & Wesson Model 642:

This is a great alternative to the Taurus 856, with an established reputation in the firearms market. The Smith & Wesson Model 642 is a compact and reliable handgun perfect for concealed carry.

It’s chambered in .38 Special, has a five-round capacity, and features an aluminum alloy frame, reducing the firearm’s overall weight.

2. Ruger LCR:

If you’re looking for a more versatile option, then the Ruger LCR is the perfect contender. The LCR is known for its smooth trigger pull and simplistic design.

It also utilizes a polymer frame, making it feather-light and ideal for extended use.

Additionally, this firearm is chambered in .357 Magnum making it suitable for defense purposes.

3. Kimber K6s:

If you’re looking for a compact and elegant revolver designed for everyday carry, the Kimber K6s is the perfect option.

This revolver is chambered in .357 Magnum, has a six-round capacity, and boasts a stainless steel frame that’s both stylish and durable. The K6s features a blade front sight and a rear sight that’s fixed and contoured, helping you easily acquire targets.

Ultimately, deciding which firearm to choose is up to your personal preference and requirements.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the weight of the Taurus revolver with a 6-round capacity?

The weight of the revolver is approximately 22 ounces.

How long is the barrel of the Taurus 856?

The barrel length of the Taurus 856 is 2 inches.

What kind of sights are installed on the Taurus 856?

The Taurus 856 typically comes with a fixed front and rear sight.

What is the trigger pull weight of the Taurus 856?

The trigger pull weight of the Taurus 856 is approximately 10-12 pounds.

Is the Taurus 856 chambered for a .357 Magnum?

No, the Taurus 856 is only chambered for .38 Special.


Well, we have listed the most common Taurus 856 problems and clear instructions on how to fix them.

Follow the above instructions and get ready to shoot again.

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